The Lebanon County Historical Society will host the 14th annual Society Ball at the Lebanon Country Club on the evening of Saturday November 3.
The evening of food, entertainment, and an auction (typically carried about by Fortna’s auctioneers) will all be in support of the Krall Barn project, and specifically funds needed to finish the education center and establish an endowment for the building.
The Krall Barn’s journey to Lebanon began in 2007 after the Pennsylvania Log House Society and Lebanon County Conservancy acted to preserve a late 1700’s log barn east of Schaefferstown that was due to be razed. Dorothy Folmer provided the donation to systematically dismantle the structure so it could be rebuilt in Lebanon’s Union Canal Park.
Lebanon County Commission Jo Ellen Litz has been chronicling the project on Facebook and YouTube since its inception. The Reading Eagle also published a lengthy feature on it in 2016.
Here’s the video the Lebanon Daily News posted of the move back in 2017.
Here’s what the Union Canal Tunnel Park should look like eventually, thanks to the support of Society Ball attendees and other supporters.

With questions about the Society Ball, call 717-269-4673 or e-mail for more information. Tickets may be picked up at the Historical Society during normal business hours.