The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) has announced the start of a bridge replacement project on Route 22 at Fredericksburg in Bethel Township.
The existing bridge, which carries traffic over Beach Run just southeast of Fredericksburg, “will be replaced with a single span prestressed concrete spread box beam bridge with reinforced concrete integral abutments,” according to a PennDOT release. The project, which also includes the reconstruction of roadway approaches and new guide rails, drainage, pavement markings, and signing, is expected to be completed by November 19 of this year.

The prime contractor for the project is Lobar Site Development, which also includes the replacement of another bridge in Lebanon County on Route 934. This project is expected to begin later this year. The contract for both bridges is for the total of $3,436,254.
Traffic for both directions of the highway will be maintained in 10-foot lanes while work is completed in half-widths.
The project is considered part of PennDOT’s District 8, which includes all of Lebanon County and seven other counties.
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