Clarence Schock Memorial Park, the nonprofit which stewards the 1,105-acre property at Governor Dick near Mount Gretna, is celebrating the permanent installation of artwork created through a collaboration between the public and artist-in-residence Karen Beall.
All photographs by Will Trostel.
The artwork, entitled “Forest Fable,” is composed of 20 clay tiles depicting the “natural history of tree species found within the park boundaries,” according to a March press release. The creation of these tiles was overseen by Beall and undertaken by community members last fall.
Beall is the owner of krb ceramics, a teaching studio and shop at 278 Northwood Drive in Lebanon, and is an Adjunct Instructor of Sculpture & Ceramics at Lebanon Valley College. Beall worked with Rebecca Urban, LVC’s Director of Environmental Science & Associate Professor of Biology, to identify and learn about the trees in the park before the tiles were created.
The illustrations on each tile includes the botanical name of the tree, a bark print, a leaf print, a fruit print, a leaf bud or twig print, and the flower. After overseeing the illustration of the tiles, Beall fired them in her ceramic studio kiln before participants glazed them and a second firing took place.

“I am grateful that I was able to work with the community to create this beautiful work of public art for the Clarence Schock Memorial Park at Governor Dick. I hope that everyone who sees it enjoys it and learns something about trees in the process,” Beall stated in the release.
The park, including its trails and the six-story tower on its summit, is open from dawn to dusk. The artwork can be viewed inside the Environmental Center on Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Sundays from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.
The artist-in-residence program at the park has been funded by the Mt. Gretna Arts Council.

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