LebTown’s church calendar is a weekly publication, featuring local church gatherings and community events. If you would like to submit information on your church’s upcoming event, visit our submission page.
May 2
Calvary Church: A worship service will be held from 10 a.m. to noon. More info.
Kochenderfer Church: ASCAP award winning artist Jason Gray will hold an intimate night of music on his Order, Disorder, Reorder Tour. He will play music off of his most recent projects. In-person tickets are limited to ensure the safety of all attendees, but there is a live stream ticket available for viewing from home. More info.
Lebanon Valley Presbyterian: This is a new church in Lebanon County. Worship is held every Sunday morning at 10 a.m., in the student lobby at New Covenant Christian school, 452 Ebenezer Rd., Lebanon. More info.
New Beginnings Charis Fellowship Church: Registration is now open for VBS: Big Fish Bay. Kids aged 3-6th grade will take in the ocean breeze as they embark on a journey into the life of Jonah. VBS will run for five nights from 6:30-8:30 p.m. Call 717-866-5704 to pre-register from now until June 12, and normal registration will occur on the evening VBS begins (June 13).
God’s Missionary Church: Sunday school for all ages will be held at 9:30 a.m.; morning worship is at 10:30 a.m., and evening worship is at 6:30 p.m. More info.
St. Luke’s Episcopal Church: The Recited Eucharist is at St. Luke’s every Sunday at 8 a.m. Seating is limited to 40 people. Choral Eucharist is held each Sunday at 10:30 a.m., where seating is also limited to 40 people. This service is webcast live on the YouTube channel. COVID-19 restrictions can be found on the church website. More info.
Rexmont EC Church: A six week study in the Book of Ruth, “There is a Redeemer,” will run through May 22. Sunday school is at 9:30 a.m. and church is at 10:45 a.m. More info.
May 3
No events scheduled at present.
May 4
Calvary Chapel: GriefShare Grief Recovery and Support Group meets Tuesday evenings from 6:30-8:30 p.m. More info.
May 5
Calvary Church: An interactive video study will examine the life of Jesus, through episodes of The Chosen. The study is from 7-8:30 p.m. More info.
St. Luke’s Episcopal Church: Midweek Healing Mass is held at 10 a.m. every Wednesday in the Mary Chapel of the church. Enter of 6th St. or the accessible entrance at the elevator. Service is recited and follows COVID-19 protocols (which can be found on the website.) The service is webcast live on YouTube. More info.
May 6
South Lebanon Community Church: Beginners and experienced alike are invited to Quilting Day, from 9-11 a.m. More info.
St. Luke’s Episcopal Church: Online Bible study is held every Thursday at 10 a.m. in a Zoom room. This week, attendees will explore 1 John 5:1-6. Access to the Zoom room is on the website. More info.
May 7
United Methodist Church of the Good Shepherd: Drive in worship will be held from 6-7 p.m. More info.
May 8
No events scheduled at present.
Something we missed? Submit church listings here.
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