Living up to their namesake, the Apostle of Sunshine, Henry Houck Elementary School will be celebrating World Kindness Day this week.

World Kindness Day is a global day that promotes the importance of being kind to each other, to yourself, and to the world. The purpose of this day, celebrated on November 13 of each year, is to help everyone understand that compassion for others is what binds us all together.
Each day this week at Henry Houck Elementary has a dress up theme and an associated act of kindness:
11/8 | Crazy for Kindness! Wear mismatched clothes | Kindness Act: Say hello to one person you do not know |
11/9 | We LOVE Kindness! Wear pink or red | Kindness Act: Write a note to a friend, teacher, or family member |
11/10 | “Team Up” for Kindness! Wear your Henry Houck or Lebanon Cedars wear | Kindness Act: Give a compliment to someone |
11/11 | Work it out with kindness! Wear workout gear | Kindness Act: Give someone a fist bump |
11/12 | Peace, love, and kindness! Wear tie-dye clothing | Kindness Act: Sit with a new friend at lunch |
The week will culminate with a school-wide “hug” of Henry Houck school itself.
Update 11/12: Here are some photos of the culminating event, which was held Thursday, Nov. 11, due to forecasted rain on Friday. Students and staff made a circle around Henry Houck, held hands together and yelled with PRIDE, “We Love You, Henry Houck!” Fifth Grade Student Council Members planned the event to promote the importance of being kind to each other, to yourself, and to the world.

To learn more about Houck, read our 2019 article – Who was Henry Houck, the beloved ‘Apostle of Sunshine’?