The state has awarded nearly $4 million in grants to Lebanon County firms as part of its 2021 Redevelopment Assistance Capital Program.
The program, operated by the state’s Office of the Budget, targets the “acquisition and construction of regional economic, cultural, civic, recreational, and historical improvement projects,” according to its official website.
More than $20 million in grant aid was requested by Lebanon County entities, with nearly half of that request coming from the City of Lebanon for the City Hall project as well as a proposed multimodal terminal on Cumberland Street, efforts that date back to at least 2019. At one point the City had hoped for this funding to help pay for the acquisition of the HACC building.
Read More: Funding for HACC purchase tops 1st 2021 Lebanon City Council meeting (Jan. 2021)
ELCO School District was also turned down in its request for $5 million to support the construction of a new gym.
Read More: ELCO explores $25-30 million major overhaul to 1962 high school building (April 2021)
Three projects were approved in the RACP program, totaling nearly $4 million in grant funding.
Prairie Fire Farms Foundation in East Hanover Township was awarded $300,000, or roughly 30% of its request, to demolish and rebuild a 35 stall barn that is complaint with ADA and groundwater runoff/other modern construction regulations.
Lebanon Valley College was awarded $1.1 million, a little more than 30% of what it requested, to go towards the construction of a new facility for the college’s upstart nursing program.
Read More: Lebanon Valley College announces nursing degree (May 2021)
Read More: LVC to make contributions to Annville Township for non-taxable properties (Nov. 2021)
Lebanon-based medical marijuana grower/processor Whole Plants Health was awarded $2.5 million, or approximately 90% of its request, to expand the company’s facilities in the former Cocoa Much Plant building, including demolition, masonry, metal work, flooring, painting, etc.
Read More: Medical marijuana grower/processor approved for Lebanon (Aug. 2018)
Read More: Medical marijuana grow facility now operational in Lebanon (Sept. 2019)
Another round of applications to the RACP program from this fall is currently in review by the state. See a full list of award information for the first round of 2021 grants below.
Project Name | Beneficiary of Prospective Award | County | Municipality | Grant Amount REQUESTED | Grant Amount AWARDED | Description |
Barn Rebuild | Prairie Fire Farms Foundation | Lebanon | East Hanover Township | $1,040,873 | $300,000 | The project demolish the current 35 stall barn, and the rebuild a new 35 stall barn, equine rehabilitation area, and other facilities. The rebuild includes regrading of the plot of land for water run off, new plumbing and electrical in the barn, rebuild of the 35 stall, equine rehabilitation area, and other facilities that is completely ADA compliant. |
City of Lebanon Transit Intermodal Center and Parking Garage | City of Lebanon | Lebanon | Lebanon City | $8,421,801 | The project will acquire a property at 735 Cumberland Street to renovate for city offices and provide space to HACC, Lebanon Campus. Funds will also be used for construction of a new 4 level parking garage in the downtown, renovate an existing building to meet the needs for city office, and construct an attached secured parking garage for the police department. The secured parking garage for police provides safer transfer of offenders preventing contact with the general public. The garage will be utilized for storage of vehicles to be examined and processed as evidence in criminal cases. | |
Eastern Lebanon County HS Athletic Facilities | Eastern Lebanon County SD | Lebanon | Jackson Township | $4,993,500 | The District is proposing the construction of a new gym adjacent to the existing auxiliary gym. The current gym space will be repurposed for other athletic uses. The new gym will allow sufficient seating and space for modern athletic competition. There will also be an operable wall to separate the gym to be able to utilize the space for academic and athletic purposes at once. The new gym will receive modern HVAC equipment. | |
LVC Nursing & Interdisciplinary Health Education Facility | Lebanon Valley College | Lebanon | Annville Township | $3,500,000 | $1,100,000 | The project will construct a new facility for the Bachelor of Science in Nursing Degree Program and other, new nursing and health programs. The 37,000 SF building will contain multiple teaching spaces, including five simulation labs, two skills labs w/associated exam spaces, three classrooms, and a wet lab. A home health simulation area is also included. Faculty areas include private and open offices for 14+ faculty and staff. Meeting rooms, study areas, and support spaces complete the facility. |
Whole Plants Health Expansion | Whole Plants LLC | Lebanon | Lebanon City | $2,747,748 | $2,500,000 | This project will result in construction and renovation to expand WPH’s grow and processing space in the former Cocoa Mulch Plant building. The scope of work includes demolition, masonry, metal work, flooring, painting, wallboards, fire protection, plumbing, HVAC, mechanical and electrical work. |
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