“Who’s hiring?!”

Lebanon YMCA
Camp Rocky Creek Counselor
Supervising 1st through 6th graders at Camp Rocky Creek.
Serve as a role model for and provide supervision and programming to campers ranging from 1st through 6th grade. Fun at camp is a given but the most important out of all Camp Counselor duties is to ensure campers are safe at all times. You’ll be responsible for overseeing their activities and demonstrating behavior consistent with the YMCA’s Core Values and the goals of Camp Rocky Creek.
Job Type: Full-time seasonal
Pay: $250-$400 per week
To apply, email Human Resource Director Susan Manno at smanno@lebanonymca.org.
Camp Cook
Oversee and ensure the effective operations of all summer food services for campers and staff.
Provide direct supervision to kitchen staff with a goal of 100% compliance with all camp policies as well as develop nutritious menus that appeal to campers and staff.
Ensure that the kitchen and dining hall are clean and meet or exceeds required standards
Keep records as required for state and ACA inspection and at all times demonstrate behavior consistent with the YMCA’s Core Values and the goals of YCRC.
To apply, email Human Resource Director Susan Manno at smanno@lebanonymca.org.
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