A traffic signal and dedicated turn lanes for State Route 72 at the intersection with Isabel Drive are in the works, PennDOT announced on Monday, April 11.

The project is currently in preliminary design phase, and PennDOT is seeking public feedback on the plans for the next 30 days.
Construction on the project is expected to begin in spring 2024 and be completed by the fall of that year. The project is estimated to cost $950,000.
No right-of-way acquisitions are expected to be needed for the project.
A public comment form has been posted online (PDF).
“The purpose of this project is to reduce congestion along State Route 72 (Quentin Road) and at the intersection of State Route 72 and Isabel Drive,” said PennDOT in a release. “The improved traffic operations will reduce delays along the State Route 72 corridor in Lebanon County just south of Lebanon City limits.”
PennDOT said that the existing two-way center left turn lane will be extended throughout the project limits to improve access to businesses.
PennDOT said that Isabel Drive traffic is anticipated to be detoured for one to two months during stage three of construction. The detour will be about two miles long and use township roads.

The project is expected to reduce delays along Route 72. PennDOT said that peak hour traffic congestion occurs in particular at the Isabel Drive intersection.
“Limited sight distance from Isabel Drive looking north on State Route 72 has been observed causing driver hesitation,” said PennDOT in a project overview document. “Additionally, there are no designated turn lanes along this portion of the State Route 72 corridor.”
“The lack of turning lanes limits capacity at the Isabel Drive intersection and impedes commercial driveway access.”
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