The City of Lebanon will present its annual Independence Day fireworks display at Coleman Memorial Park, starting at about 9 p.m. Monday, July 4.
The rain date is Tuesday, July 5.
The Lebanon Community Concert Band, under the direction of Keith Frantz, will kick the evening off at 8 p.m. with a free concert in the spectator area of the park’s lower parking lot. The band will play until the fireworks start.
For the safety of spectators, no bikes will be permitted in the parking area near the ball fields after 5 p.m., and dogs will not be permitted in the spectator area.
According a press release issued by Mayor Sherry Capello, sparklers, “fireworks novelties,” and alcoholic beverages are prohibited throughout the park.
Capello thanked more than 50 individual and corporate donors who had contributed to the city’s fireworks fund through June 8.
Fantastic Fireworks of Maryland Line, Maryland, will set off the display. Scott Koons of SDK Electronics, Lebanon, will provide the sound for the pre-fireworks concert.
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