This article was funded by LebTown donors as part of our Civic Impact Reporting Project.
The North Lebanon Township Board of Supervisors on Monday received thanks from residents for action taken to limit truck traffic through a residential neighborhood, discussed methods to mitigate a noise concern, and heard complaints from a resident about a township employee.
Karen Simpson of Emma Road, who voiced Walmart truck traffic concerns at last month’s meeting, came forward on behalf of Emma Road and Elias Avenue residents to thank the supervisors for their follow-up.
Read More: Elias Avenue, Emma Road residents voice their Walmart traffic concerns
Since last month, the supervisors have gotten in contact with Walmart, which has given its trucks instructions to avoid certain residential areas.
Supervisors also ordered and installed a “no truck traffic” sign at the Russel Road end of Emma Road. Walmart has also installed a “no left turn” sign at the Walmart exit, redirecting trucks to Route 72.
As of now, the primary unresolved issue is noise from Walmart affecting Emma Road residents. Township manager Cheri Grumbine said that a berm is under consideration, but that it would not be a short-term fix as vegetation would need time to grow.
Art Arnold also spoke during public comment and detailed problems he has had with neighbor Bryan Heagy about the ownership of a right of way. Civil litigation is ongoing.
Arnold alleged that former township employee Heagy assaulted him while he was under township employ and damaged his lawnmower. Chairman Ed Brensinger asked if Heagy was on the clock, but Arnold did not respond.
He also claimed that Allen Heagy of the Zoning Hearing Board attempted to run him over with surveying equipment, as well as illegally crossed into his property.
Allen Heagy, who was in attendance, said he maintains a two-foot distance from adjacent properties while working. He also denied an accusation that he spoke profanely to Arnold.
Arnold claimed that he attempted to file a police report, but was escorted out of the station. Police Chief Tim Knight claimed that he had spoken with Arnold in the lobby for an hour regarding the situation.
“Well, hey, officer: remember what I told you, Keep this in your head,” said Arnold. “If something happens, and I go to prison—.” Knight interrupted to advise Arnold to be careful.
“Well I want to let you know, because up until now I always called the police, with everything that happened,” Arnold added.
Brensinger and solicitor Amy Leonard told Arnold the dispute was not a township matter, and that he should discuss it with his lawyer.
Knight eventually escorted Arnold from the building for continued disruption of the meeting.
Following that, treasurer Ardy Snook commented that he has already spoken privately with Arnold about the matter.
In other news, the board:
- Unanimously agreed to release $30,000 from the Fire Company Capital Reserve to the Rural Security Fire Company for their annual payment on their 2021 Pierce Saber Pumper Tanker.
- Unanimously agreed to accept the lowest bids for the ongoing HVAC project; a $133,500 mechanical bid from G.F. Bowman and a $37,375 electrical bid from Scott’s Brothers Inc.
- Heard dates for zoning enforcement appeals: a Gingrich continuation of hearing at 6 p.m. Jan. 19 and an appeal from 205 Prescott Drive at 7 p.m. Nov. 9.
- Unanimously approved the minutes of their Sept. 19 meeting (PDF).
- Unanimously approved payroll, fund balances, and invoice payments subject to audit.
North Lebanon supervisors meet at the township municipal building the third Monday of each month at 7 p.m. The next meeting will be held Nov. 21. The meetings are open to the public and do not require prior registration.
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