The Lebanon County Council of Republican Women (LCCRW) is hosting a Republican County Candidates Night on Tuesday, May 2, from 6 to 8 p.m. at Heisey’s Diner, located on Route 72 N. This event offers an opportunity for locals to meet candidates for county commissioner, county row offices, county judge, and District 52-3-05 magistrate.
As an entrance fee, attendees are asked to bring a donation of canned goods or toiletries. The LCCRW, a growing organization, welcomes new women to join their ranks. The group does not endorse candidates in the primary. All those listed on the Republican ballot have been invited to participate.
Affiliated with the Pennsylvania Federation of Republican Women, the LCCRW was established to support and strengthen the Republican Party in Lebanon County, advance women in political knowledge and political activity, and to promote honest government and unselfish patriotism.
In addition to their political activities, the LCCRW is involved in various charity initiatives. They donate patriotic books to private and public elementary schools and libraries and provide shoes for elementary children in need. The organization strives to advance and support Republican women in order to strengthen the party and promote honest government and unselfish patriotism.