Beach Run Apartments consists of 51 energy-efficient units, which will help fill the Fredericksburg housing need for major employers, according to a recent press release from HDC MidAtlantic.

LebTown Staff
Pulisic family property listed for sale
Hershey-born international soccer star Christian Pulisic has acquired a million dollar property for his family in Lebanon County.
The latest food safety violations in Lebanon County
Here are the most recent food safety violations in Lebanon County, as documented by Pennsylvania’s Department of Agriculture.
Blotter: DUI, identity thefts, crashes, burglary, harrassment
A roundup of the most recent blotters from local police departments.
Lebanon County real estate transfers (Sept. 16 to Sept. 30)
Here are the real estate transfers recorded in Lebanon County for the second half of September.
Pet of the Week: Abe
Abe, Jill says, is a mix of many breeds, “otherwise known as a mutt.”
Lebanon County church calendar (Oct. 10-Oct. 16)
Discover what’s happening at Lebanon County churches next week!
Blotter: DUIs, PFA violation, retail theft, overdose, theft of lost property
A roundup of the most recent blotters from local police departments.
U.S. Army reveals Black Hawk variant at Fort Indiantown Gap
On Wednesday, Oct. 6, the Army revealed the newest variant of the UH-60 Black Hawk helicopter, the UH-60V, at the Pennsylvania National Guard’s Eastern Army National Guard Aviation Training Site at Fort Indiantown Gap.
New basketball courts open at South Sixth Street Playground
The Joseph P. Sevco Jr. Basketball Courts were dedicated on Saturday afternoon, Oct. 2, at the South Sixth Street Playground.
Making a Difference and YMCA will host Trunk or Treat event in parking lot
The event will be held from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 26, at 201 N. 7th St., Lebanon.
Lebanon resident wins Ms. United World 2022
Deborah Wright, a Lebanon County resident, won the inaugural title of Ms. United World 2022 on Sept. 5 in Austin, Texas.
The latest food safety violations in Lebanon County
Here are the most recent food safety violations in Lebanon County, as documented by Pennsylvania’s Department of Agriculture.
Compass Mark hosts conference on addiction
The theme is “Zooming Out: Mapping the Path Ahead.” It will explore how Compass Mark can deliver the best services to deal with the pandemic impacts for individuals and the community at large.