Greetings People of Lebanon County,

As you may have previously seen, LebTown is looking for business sponsorships and individual memberships.

Obviously, this will keep the lights on and help us continue to bring you local news the way it should be, but guess what, those sponsorships and memberships are also proverbial “you scratch our back, we’ll scratch yours” arrangements.

I’m not talking about us sending you a LebTown tote-bag or a VHS tape of Yo-Yo Ma shredding away on his cello, but what we see as far more useful perks.

…Unless the bag or the Yo-Yo Ma tape floats your boat, in which case, let’s chat.

Let’s say you have a business. You’re going to need people to be aware of your business, and if you want to get your brand in front of as many Lebanonian (Lebanese?… Wait, that’s probably not right either) eyes as possible, then a business sponsorship with LebTown is a great choice.

There are multiple tiers to choose from, with an option to suit any marketing budget.

Right now, LebTown is offering special, low introductory pricing. You’ll need to act fast, as some tiers have a finite number of available sponsorships. If there’s one thing I know about economics (and truthfully, there really is only one thing I know about economics) it’s supply and demand. Once the demand for these sponsorships inevitably goes up, so too will the prices.

What if you don’t have a business? Well that’s where the individual memberships come into play.

LebTown will continue to be free for everyone to read, but if you want to chip in $5 dollars each month to support local journalism, it would be greatly appreciated. 

You’ll get access to LebTown’s exclusive “Friends Of The Newsroom” Facebook group, access to a weekly editorial calendar to see what is happening in the world of LebTown, and invitations to LebTown’s periodic Happy Hours.

So, if any of these options seem like something you’d be interested in, how about giving that big yellow button at the top of the page a click?

For more info, feel free to give me a shout by emailing me at



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  1. I see LebTown as having the potential to become a valuable resource for information about Lebanon city and county. I am willing to subscribe for the coming year in hopes of encouraging others and helping to create a base from which reporting on local news, events, municipal meetings through out the county, obituaries, area sports and more can be accessed.

    1. Thank you, Soon! We are hoping to do exactly that, and in a truly community-centered way. Thanks for joining as a member!