A substantial crowd congregated around the storefront of Herbology, 815 Cumberland Street, Lebanon, this morning as the medical marijuana dispensary—the first in Lebanon County—opened its doors.

A ribbon cutting ceremony was held with speakers including State Senator Mike Folmer (R-Senate District 48), one of the key players in getting medical marijuana legalized in Pennsylvania.

Other speakers included State Representative Russ Diamond (R-102), Lebanon Valley Chamber of Commerce President and CEO Karen Groh, Downtown Lebanon BID Manager Amy Kopecky, and Visit Lebanon Valley President Jen Kuzo.

Herbology representative Brandon Smith accepted certificates from the office of State Representative Frank Ryan (R-101) as well as from Lebanon County Commissioners Bob Phillips and Bill Ames.

While a dispensary opening within the county is a huge step forward for medical marijuana in Lebanon County, State Sen. Folmer insisted that it’s just the start.

“We are not done yet,” said Folmer. “The reason we got this done as quickly as we did is because we educated, educated, educated with the facts.”

“This is the safest medication we could be allowing people to have but we’ve got to continue that education process.”

Before the opening of this dispensary, patients prescribed medical marijuana faced significant commutes out of Lebanon County to obtain their prescriptions.

Commissioner Phillips mentioned that this medicinal support for locals is a major step forward, but also touted the increased traffic the dispensary could bring Downtown Lebanon.

“This is going to be a big boost to the foot traffic in Downtown Lebanon. We’re always looking to enhance and support the retail and the other businesses that are here,” said Phillips.

Herbology is now open for business to those with medical marijuana cards. The dispensary is open from 10am-7pm Monday through Saturday and 10am-6pm on Sundays.

Full Disclosure: Herbology is an advertiser with LebTown. LebTown does not make editorial decisions based on advertising status and advertisers do not receive special editorial treatment. Learn more about LebTown’s advertising program here.


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  1. That’s good and all but you better have really good security especially in downtown Lebanon

  2. I am so glad this opened in Lebanon. I used to have to go to steelton Rise for my medical marijuana. I have terminal bone cancer and the commute was hard for me.Everyone needs to understand that when you suffer from pain everyday this is how I get relief. Instead of me using percocet for pain and possibly getting addicted I prefer to use the medical marijuana. A lot of people think of the old fashion street pot they used to use but don’t understand the medical marijuana.I use Rso which is great for cancer patients. I also vape sativa flower which helps with my fatigue and nausea from my chemo meds. The difference between street pot and medical marijuana is you don’t know what is in street pot. Which with medical marijuana you can get it with low THC so you don’t get that high stoned feeling. This isn’t like just walking in and getting marijuana. You make an appointment and sit with a medically trained pharmacist who goes over all your symptoms and guide you to what will be the best fit for your condition and symptoms. The people that are so close minded about medical marijuana do not understand it or how it gives relief to so many terminal or others who suffer on a daily basis form other debilitating deceases. Unless you suffer everyday don’t judge those who do and use medical marijuana because you have no idea what we go though to survive. Thank for bringing this dispensary to Lebanon.

  3. Marijuana is not medicine, it simply masks your symptoms for awhile just like alcohol or other drugs. It does not “treat” anything. This is all about money in the pockets of the few. Wake up sheeple.

  4. I just received my medical card today. I am new to this do I need a fist time appt? Or just do a walk in.
    Please advise would like to stop in tomorrow is possible.

  5. Finally, it’s about time! There’s so many people who legitimately need this for their medical problems! This is safer than anything big Pharma gives patients for their symptoms! Let’s give a round of applause to Mike Follower who was instrumental in the education & the opening of this center!