The Pennsylvania Farm Show, held last week in Harrisburg, brought participants and visitors from counties across the commonwealth.
Many of those participants were local residents representing the county at the state level. A number of those representatives returned to Lebanon as state champions in their respective categories.
Take a look at our highlights of the farm show here, and peruse the full listing of Lebanon results by following the link below.
Read: Lebanon County results from the Pennsylvania Farm Show
In Department 2, Sheep, Tisha Ebling of Lebanon received first place in the Early Spring Ram Lamb, Yearling Ram, Pair of Yearling Ewes, Early Spring Ewe Lamb and Flock Classes. Ebling won Champion Ram and was given the Premier Breeder award.
Kevin Pfautz of Hershey competed in the Swine Department and, among other entries, won the Champion Spotted Swine award.
In the Poultry Department, Andrew Manning of Palmyra won Champion Single Comb Clean Legged Other Than Game Bantam and Reserve Grand Champion Bantam. Daulton Lape of Lebanon received the Reserve champion award for both his Large Chicken American and Bantam Duck entries.

Mitchell Hetrick of Palmyra received Jr. Division Reserve Champion Percentage Doe, Yearling Division Reserve Champion FB/PB Buck, Junior Champion FB/PB Meat Breeding Doe, and Grand Champion FB/PB Meat Breeding Doe in the Meat Goats Category.
Also competing in Meat Goats was Evan Ditzler of Fredericksburg, who won Senior Division Champion FB/PB Doe and both the junior and senior Reserve Champion FB/PB Meat Breeding Doe.
Michael Kunkle of Jonestown competed in the Corn and Small Grains categories, receiving first place for many individual classes and being named the Miscellaneous Grain Champion for one of his sunflower entries.
In Cheese, Farmer Rudolph’s Creamery of Lebanon won Best in Show for Class X.
Lebanon County saw many entries in the Vegetables category, including many who placed first or second within their classes.
Henry Moyer of Annville competed in the Apiary category. In addition to competing in various individual categories, Moyer won the Sweepstakes Best Exhibit of Honey Comb award.
Local representation in the Family Living Category was strong, with many ranking first and second. In the Best of Show subcategory, Paige Copenhaver of Lebanon won the 4-H Food and Nutrition Baked Goods class, Linda Siegel of Lebanon won the Constructed Clothing Open class, and Kitty Rose Zackey of Lebanon won the Open Class Quilts Hand Quilted class.
In the Rabbits category, in addition to many Lebanon residents placing first and second, Kerek Wright of Richland won Best of Breed for an English Spot Bob Youth. Four participants from Lebanon county won Best Opposite Sex of Breed Rabbits classes: Steven Eschleman of Lebanon, Aaron Martin of Annville, Vanessa Stickler of Lebanon, and Peyton Albright of Myerstown.
Below are the highlights for the Junior Market Animals section, separated for clarity.
Junior Market Animals
Blayne Helsey of Lebanon won Division II of the Jr. Market Goat Outstanding Stockman award. Alex Helsey, also of Lebanon, received second in Division III of that award.
Clayton Helsey received the title of Southdown Breed Reserve Champion for his Lightweight Southdown, which placed first in that category.
In Jr. Market Lamb Crossbreds, Lebanon took home both the Champion Lightweight and Reserve Champion Lightweight titles, awarded to Blayne Helsey and Kylie Brown of Myerstown respectively.
Claudia Pfautz of Cornwall competed in Jr. Market Swine with a Berkshire Heavyweight and, along with receiving first in that category, was awarded Berkshire Breed Champion.
Joseph Tice of Fredericksburg took home the Duroc Breed Reserve Champion title with his Middleweight Duroc. Tice also received first place for Division III of Jr. Market Swine Outstanding Stockman.
Audrie Risser of Lebanon competed with a Spotted Swine Heavyweight and was awarded Spotted Swine Breed Champion.
In Brown Swiss Junior, Austin Heilinger of Lebanon received both the title of Reserve Senior Champion and Reserve Grand Champion.
Dianna Dice of Fredericksburg competed in Jersey open and received the awards for Champion Udder, Senior Champion, and Grand Champion. She also received the Supreme Champion Dairy Cattle Award, placing her entry at the top overall of dairy cow rankings.
Millena Bashore of Annville received the Reserve Junior Champion titles for both Milking Shorthorn Open and Milking Shorthorn Junior.
While these are some of Lebanon’s more major placings in the Farm Show this year, many Lebanon residents participated in these categories besides those listed above.
Take a look at our full list here and be sure to congratulate those you know who participated. These categories require hard work to even be able to enter.