Coming up in October, GOTR of Lebanon and Lancaster, IndieFlix and the IndieFlix Foundation plan to offer a free virtual screening and post-viewing dialogue of the 2017 documentary, Angst: Raising Awareness Around Anxiety

As previously covered by LebTown, Angst is a film that focuses on what it’s like to have anxiety and the struggles that go along with the symptoms of it in everyday life.

Read More: Girls on the Run initiates fall season programs with accommodations for health and safety guidelines

Angst presents interviews with young people who suffer, or have suffered, from anxiety and what their personal experiences entail. The film also includes an interview with the famous athlete, Michael Phelps. To view the Angst film trailer, click here or see below.

YouTube video

“This film and subsequent panel is for everyone, we all have some level of anxiety in our lives and can learn so much from this documentary,” Carrie Johnson, Executive Director of Girls on the Run of Lancaster and Lebanon, said. “The film helps normalize the conversation and gives us a platform for talking about our own personal experiences with anxiety. At GOTR we provide a safe space for girls to connect emotionally, socially and physically.”

The 56 minute live virtual screening will be on Thursday, Oct. 8 from 7:00 p.m. to 8:45 p.m. and immediately following the film will be a virtual dialogue with psychologists and experts. The event recording will be available from Thursday, Oct. 8 at 7:00 p.m. through Sunday, Oct. 11 at 11:30 p.m. The live virtual dialogue will include the following experts: Emma Batchedler, Dr. Lydia Bacon Hackenberg, Dr. Kelly Kline, and Dr. Amber Sessoms. 

“Join us for this virtual event as we open up a dialogue between local families, community leaders and experts by exploring anxiety, its causes and effects, and what we can do about it,” Girls on the Run stated about the event.


“This film and subsequent panel is for everyone, we all have some level of anxiety in our lives and can learn so much from this documentary,” Johnson said. “The film helps normalize the conversation and gives us a platform for talking about our own personal experiences with anxiety.  At Girls on the Run we provide a safe space for girls to connect emotionally, socially and physically.”  

Free reservations for spots at the live virtual screening can be found here or with the QR code attached to the flyer below. Those who are interested may reserve for more than one person who may benefit or would like to hear the information in the screening. 


“With the limitations the pandemic has put on gathering and thus, meeting in-person with many of our girls, we feel strongly that providing the platform for conversation around anxiety and what all children and adults are feeling right now is one of the most impactful things we can do as an organization,” Johnson said. “Anxieties of the uncertainty and unknown are running high for both adults and children. Because we recognize the need, we are bringing the link to a powerful documentary by IndieFlix, a leading independent online streaming platform, along with its non-profit arm, the IndieFlix Foundation, that is sparking a global conversation about anxiety through screenings of its brand-new documentary, “Angst: Raising Awareness Around Anxiety”.  

Sponsors for this event include Orthopedic Associates of Lancaster, PNC Bank, Envision Financial Group, Jay Group, Hershey Retirement Solutions, Kreamer Funeral Home, LCCF, Hinkle Insurance, Eden Park Pediatric Group, Lebanon Federal Credit Union, The Ellenberg-Herr Team of Merrill Lynch, Tim McShane of Allstate, Regina and Bob Coia of Berkshire Hathaway Home Services Homesale Realty.

Visit the Girls on the Run website here for any additional information.

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