St. Mark’s United Church of Christ in Lebanon has put out the call for vocalists and ringers interested in serving on a adult, youth, or handbell choir during worship services.
Previous church affiliation or membership is not required.
The call for participants is being put out by new music ministry coordinator Jeffrey Clouser. In the role, Clouser will coordinate and lead the church’s musical ministries, including the vocal and handbell choirs as well as special music needs.
Clouser had previously served as director of music ministries at Palmyra Church of the Brethren and recently earned a master of arts degree in Church Music from Trinity Lutheran Seminary at Capital University.

To join the vocal choir, a pleasant singing voice and some note-reading abilities are recommended.
For the handbell ensemble, rhythmic proficiency and flexibility in ringing positions are recommended.
The adult choir rehearses after 9 a.m. worship (approximately 10:30 a.m.); the youth choir during children’s church; and the bell choir on Thursday evenings at 7:30 p.m.
Musical offerings are presented at St. Mark’s September through June on Sundays and at special holiday services.
Interested parties should contact Clouser by emailing him at or leaving a voicemail with the church office at 717-273-0151.
St. Mark’s is located at 426 N. 8th Street in Lebanon.
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