Overnight the Lebanon City Fire Department led cleanup of a large fallen branch from an elm tree that neighbors say was over 300 years old. The limb caused damage to two houses and a van.
Update 5:00pm: Thanks to Charles Wertz for clarifying that this was an elm tree, not a walnut tree as originally reported. Furthermore, the tree remains standing, with only a branch having fell, not the whole tree as previously stated.
The tree is located in the 500 block of Chestnut Street. A fire department spokesperson said that two firemen measured the affected tree’s trunk at 17’3″ diameter. One bystander told the crew that the tree had been there since George Washington visited Lebanon centuries ago.
The building impacted by the tree looks to be 513 Chestnut Street, where Mid Penn Legal Services has an office.

The department began posting video and images on Twitter around 7:30 pm yesterday.

We have left a message with the fire department to get the address and will update the post when available. See update above.